Fort Smith Lawn Care | How Often Should Grass be Mowed?


Usually when someone calls Cutting Edge Lawn Care to inquire about lawn mowing quotes, one of the questions they ask is: “how often do you mow?” and the answer is that we will mow the lawn as often or as little as the customer requests, because it’s their yard and we do what the customer wants. But how often is grass actually supposed to be mowed?

When it comes to lawn mowing schedules it depends on the grass, because all grasses grow at different speeds. Bermuda is a very common and popular grass, and it grows very fast and steady as long as it has plenty of water and sunshine. In the summer, usually it needs to be mowed at least every week if not more (we’ll come back to that) Zoysia is also a common grass around here, it is very lush and thick but is slower growing. A good healthy Zoysia yard, with plenty of water and sunlight can be mowed as often as every week, and sometimes as little as once a month. It depends on where you live and how often you treat it, and how much water it gets.

The general rule of thumb for the health of the grass, whatever the grass, is that you mow as often as needed where you’re only cutting off about a third of the height of the grass. For Zoysia, this can be every week or every two weeks, or sometimes once a month. For Bermuda, it technically needs to be mowed twice a week in the summer.

Few people have this much time to contribute to the yard and mow it as often as it needs. But if you call Cutting Edge Lawn Care we can set you up on a lawn mowing schedule that is as often as you need it, or as often as you want it. It’s your choice, and we’re happy to oblige! Call us for all your lawn mowing and lawn care needs, whether in Fort Smith or the surrounding area.