While Cutting Edge loves and specializes in Lawn Mowing, we still love and have the know how to care for all your lawn care and landscaping needs, and we’re here to answer your questions! One of the questions we get the most is “when should I trim my monkey grass?”
Most people think you can trim monkey grass whenever you want, because “you can’t kill monkey grass.” While most monkey grass is almost impossible to actually kill, it is possible to mess up how they look and grow for a season. Particularly the really popular ones such as liriope and variegated liriope. You can trim them any time of year and they will continue to grow, but these grasses are supposed to grow to a point on the ends. These ends form when the grass first starts to grow at the beginning of the season, if you cut them out of season, they will continue to get longer, but you’ve cut the tips off, and you will have flat tipped monkey grass; it is a bit bizarre looking.
The proper time to trim these grasses, is in between growth periods. Obviously when the grass is totally brown, it is in between growth periods, however at that point your landscaping looks neglected and messy. When the fall and winter come, and you see the tips of the grass start to turn brown, it is starting to die, and it is safe to trim, without hindering it’s proper shape for the next season.
This may all seem complicated and annoying to keep track of. The good news is, we love it! Call Cutting Edge for all your lawn care and landscaping needs!