Fort Smith Lawn Care | Is it ok to Mow Right After the Rain?

We get it, sometimes the rain is relentless and there’s nothing you can do about it. Especially in Arkansas, in May. Sometimes you don’t have a choice, cause it’s been raining for two weeks straight and the grass has been growing non stop, and it’s not gonna dry out before the next two weeks of rain, so you gotta do what you gotta do. But if you can help it at all, should you mow right after it rains and before the ground dries?

No. Not if you care about your yard and your lawn mower. If you have a choice, here are the reasons you should abstain from lawn mowing right after the rain:

  1. Ruts. When it rains and the ground is soft and muddy, when you drive a lawn mower across it, you’re going get make ruts, or maybe even get stuck and create a huge mess, and it’s going to take a while for your yard to recover from that.

  2. Clumps. Maybe the ground is firm enough to not get stuck, or maybe you break out your push mower. It’s still a bad idea, because the grass is soaked, and when the lawn mower spits out the grass clippings, it’s going to be spewing hideous clumps of grass all over your yard. We haven’t run across a customer who likes this yet.

  3. You’re going to hurt your lawn mower. You may think, that you’ll just put your mulch plate on so it’s not spitting out all the grass clumps. Well this can be very harmful for your lawn mower, because all those clumps are staying in the deck, and turning into a giant clump that’s dulling your blades enormously, not to mention bogging your engine down, and sometimes, will break your belt because of the strain. We’ve done it all, none of it is good or fun.

  4. Stains. When these clumps are laying all over the ground and you’re running over them with your lawn mower, the tread in your wheels and tires are filling with this wet grass. When you drive or roll across your driveways, sidewalks and streets, you’re going to smear grass and stains all over them, and it’s not easy to clean up.

These are the main reasons we found to avoid lawn mowing directly after the rain. We hope this helps you avoid messing up your own lawn and equipment, as well as provide some understanding why Lawn care services want to wait till the yard dries before providing service. We have your lawn and interests in mind.

If you’re lawn care company is not mindful of your lawn and messing it up, call the professionals here at Cutting Edge Lawn Care to get your best lawn now!