Fort Smith Lawn Care | When Should You Plant Flowers?

When it comes to beautiful landscaping, it’s really important to have a little bit of color. Some people choose to achieve this by planting flowers. More often than not, the average person doesn’t know too much about planting and maintaining a bed of flowers, and one of the most common queries is just when you should plant these pops of color.

Truth be told, there’s not too many times you absolutely can’t plant flowers, except maybe in the dead of winter. Not much is going to grow then. There are also better times, and not as good times to plant. We also wouldn’t recommend planting in the middle of summer, but you could, if you had plenty of water and shade that the flowers you’re planting require.

For us, there are two typical ideal times of the year to plant beautiful flowers that grow and last. It’s really common and beneficial to plant flowers right after your spring cleaning, around the end of April. By this time there’s not much risk of freezes and frosts killing your flowers with a cold snap, and the spring showers are definitely helpful for keeping them alive.

Then the beginning of fall is usually the best and last chance you have to plant some flowers and let them get a chance to take root and last through the winter. Around October, and certainly no later than November if you can help it. At this time the spring flowers are dying, but there’s still enough heat and sunlight for the late season flowers to thrive and prepare to hold up against winter weather.

Of course you can’t just plant any flowers in these times, there are flowers made to stand the heat and there are flowers made to stand the cold. It’s very important to research the flower you want to plant to know what it needs, and if it’s the right flower for the spot you’re wanting to put it. We will talk more about what flowers to plant in another article, but for now, be sure to plan ahead so you get the right flowers and plant them at the right time and don’t risk wasting your money.

As always, you can skip the hassle and hire a professional who has already put in the research! Call Cutting Edge Lawn Care to bring some color back to your landscaping!